Those who lose dreaming are lost.
We are all visitors to this time, this place. We are just passing through. Our purpose here is to observe, to learn, to grow, to love… and then we return home.
May as well be here we are as where we are.
Today, words. Tomorrow, sticks and stones. And the day after that?
Let the massacres remind us to turn down our political volume and venom.
The most intense hatreds are not between political parties but within them.
This nation was built on a cup of tea, a Bex, and a good lie-down.
While sticks and stones break bones, words can never hurt? Manifestly untrue. Politics everywhere are holistic, interconnected, and the rhetoric of right or left can produce toxic atmospheres in which lunacy thrives.
Supermarkets stand condemned as symbols of man’s inhumanity to women.
It’s not for nothing that dog is god backwards. Perhaps He put them on Earth to keep an eye on us, to appeal to the better angels of our being. Perhaps they are angels, wingless and furry ones. With fleas.